...because there is a little country living in all of us

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Hello again.  I am very sorry that I have been absent for a bit, but life sure has a way of keeping you busy, doesn't it? 

But before I go on any further with the details, I have to pause and say a huge THANK-YOU to Jennifer at The Old Painted Cottage.  She featured some of my photos as well as several other gorgeous homes in her latest post, Honorable Mention.  Feel free to go check them out. 

After the Thanksgiving holiday, I rushed home from our family celebration downstate to decorate for Christmas in time to email several photos for The Cottage of the Month search deadline.  Then it was off to Chicago for a little vacation with friends.   Back home again now, I can finally show you some of my Christmas decorating.  Out with the pumpkins, in with the glitter and garland! 

I found this antique, french sleigh at Yasmine's shop, Maison Reve.

I love to fill these vintage grain scoops with antique ornaments.

This lighted tree was our Christmas tree from several years ago.  All the needles have long since fallen off.  I cut it down and spray painted it white, then decorated it with silver and gold glass balls.

Are you ready for Christmas?  Is your tree up and decorated, your garland hung, and your seasonal decor put out?  Have you started Christmas shopping?  Sometimes it all can seem so overwhelming, but I enjoy every bit of the Christmas preparation.  The days are shorter and the nights are cold, yet I love all the cheer.  When we were visiting Chicago last week, I couldn't get enough of all the twinking lights everywhere in the streets and storefronts.  Even though it is easy to get caught up in it all, we must remember the greatest gift of all is God's Son sent to save us from our sin.  And He is the Reason for the Season!

Well, I won't take anymore of your time for now, so go turn up the Christmas music, make yourself a cup of hot chocolate, and get busy enjoying this wonderful season!

Maria ~Rusty Hinge 

I'm joining these parties:

It's Overflowing

Cottage & Vine


  1. OH my Maria!! Your house looks stunning!! You need to be in a magazine for sure! ;)
    LOVE all the little details~ xoxo Rachel

  2. Maria,
    Breathtaking! Wow you have quite an eye. I love the pics of the bed! (cute NR pillow ;)) May I pin it? the three wreaths and the letters are awesome!


  3. Holy Moly Maria,
    I am drooling all over my computer!!!
    Can you please come to my house and decorate it like yours?!!!
    You need to give me tips on what I need to get your style. I already told you your style is exactly how I want my home!
    I was so excited for this post, and you definitely didn't disappoint! :)
    Have a beautiful day my friend!!

  4. Maria! Your home is just absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Love all the holiday decor and vintage items scattered throughout!!! I am in love with all the lovelies & eye candy in there!!! Come to my house & decorate please! :) And congrats on being featured as one of the honorable mentions @The Old Painted Cottage {really, yours could have been the main feature!}! :) Hugs & Happy Holidays, my dear!


  5. LOve it all Maria~~I especially love the sleigh filled with the vintage ornaments! Gorgeous!!
    Thanks again for giving me my good news yesterday!

  6. Hi Maria - I was sitting here tonight paging through my new issue of RH, and my eyes fell on your feature in there AND your grain sacks. Since I'm obsessed with grain sacks, I just had to log on to check out your beautiful blog! We share ALOT of the same loves and treasures. I adore your home and will definitely be spending alot of time visiting here! (I pinned a few of your gorgeous photos....) I live in a Michigan farmhouse, too. Where abouts are you?

    Congrats on the feature - and I'll be back soon! :)

    xoxo laurie

  7. Just me again, Maria! As you can tell, I'm having a BALL visiting your beautiful home! :) I must ask you where you purchased your French Postal pillow? I just love it!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Maria -- I just can't stand it!! Your house is over the top beautiful and I am pinning just about the entire post to my Christmas decorating board! I love all of the vintage ornaments and the fact that you saved your old tree and painted it! Genius!! Just love it all!!

  9. Hello... I am partying also with Patti and Paula at Ivy and Elephants... your home looks just stunning... I love how you have displayed your vintage ornaments here and there... Merry Christmas to you!... xoxo Julie Marie

  10. Oh Maria....stunning, stunning, stunning! Beautiful photos...love your style....

    I am your newest follower and I will be back!

    Lou Cinda :)

  11. Maria!!!

    OMG! Congrats on being in the recent Romantic Homes mag! I knew your home was mag worthy!!! :) Congrats to both you & Cheryl @Fresh Vanilla For C! :)


  12. Hi Maria. Your home is so beautiful. I don't think I could pick just one fave thing. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm following you.

  13. You have some a.ma.zing treasures and all photographed so beautifully! am following you now!

  14. Wow...your photos are so beautiful...as is your home.

  15. I love how you've displayed your vintage treasures. I saw so many things in your photos that were stunning.

  16. love your style! i can't believe i've never been here before! i'm about to be your newest follower & will post you on my side bar so i don't miss a post! lovely!!!! xoox, tracie

  17. Your display is amazing. So many stunning decorations. Love it all. Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas. I have joined your followers list and would love to have you join me as well. Hugs, Gayle

  18. Hello Maria,
    I have been collecting for a long time and am amazed at all the treasures you have gathered while you are still so young! You are very talented at arranging your things and I have enjoyed my visit here! Your farmhouse is a beautiful place!
    Enjoy the Christmas season...you surely have the perfect setting! :)

  19. So beautiful, I did see you in The Cottage of the Month runner up's...love it. I am a new follower. Di@cottage-wishes

  20. Maria your home is beautiful, your photography is wonderful, I love the idea with the painted needle less tree...brilliant. I'm in awe of your talent and deeply inspired, and your new follower.

  21. I'm drooling! Lovely home Maria! I'm your newest follower.

  22. visiting by way of alabaster rose designs. oh my...STUNNING home you have. love your xmas decor! sigh...i am your newest follower! happy to meet you!

  23. Just found your blog. It's fantastic and your decorating is amazing! Have a great weekend!

  24. Maria, what a beautiful blog! Lovely and serene! New follower.
    Blessings, Audrey

  25. Maria, what a beautiful blog! Lovely and serene! New follower.
    Blessings, Audrey

  26. Just came by from Alabaster Rose, your photos are wonderful, love your style! just joined as a follower, come by for a visit, xo

  27. Hi Maria! I just found your blog through Pinterest! I am so happy to find you! I must say I have spent quite a bit of time looking through your posts. Your photos are wonderful! You take the kind of pics I have always wanted to, but have not yet been able to achieve!
    You are going in blogroll now!!!
    Merry Christmas!

  28. Hi Maria, I'm popping in from my good friend Melinda's blog(ARD).
    I can see why she fell in love with your blog, it is amazing!

    I am now your newest follower,

  29. OMGosh...your home is just beautiful! Your holiday touches are fabulous! So much to pin here, thanks for sharing!

    Following along now!

  30. Love every inch of your style :)
    I could move in and not change a thing :)

    Love the picture of the bare tree all dressed for Christmas, I will be posting mine this week come for a visit :)

    Keep inspiring your beauty.

  31. WOW! What a gorgeous home. LOVE it!!! I am your newest follower. Found you through Melindas blog:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capersof the vintage vixens

  32. My goodness, everything is so pretty!!Thanks for sharing your gorgeous home with us!

  33. You're ready for a magazine shoot! I'm glad you came for a visit earlier because finding your blog is such a treat! I'm your newest follower and would love for you to return the "LOVE" on your next visit!

    XO, Aimee from ItsOverflowing!

    PS I'm having my first linky party on 12/13. It will be "Christmas Scape" themed, tablescape ~ landscape or anywhere else in you home that you've added a touch of Christmas! I'd LOVE for you to link up! My blog is http://www.itsoverflowing.com/.

  34. Bonjour Maria, found you through Melinda's blog. Everything on your blog is simply gorgeous!

    New follower and Merry Christmas to you!

  35. oh, your home is sooooo gorgeous!!! I am soooo jealous!! I think I am going to have to copy you!!!!

  36. Hi there Maria,
    sent by Dreamy Whites. So glad to have found you... Right up my alley. Just became a follower.

  37. Your home is beautiful! I love all your decorations. Stunning!!!


  38. Your pictures look beautiful! I love that mirror! You have a great eye!

  39. Your blog is beautiful! Xmas decor is wonderful!
    Wishes & Kisses

  40. I just came over from Melinda's and am so happy that I did! Your home is absolutely beautiful! I haven't really even started our decorating, just the advent calendar, and you have just given me a wealth of inspiration! I am your newest follower... t.xooxox

  41. I came via The Vintage Inspired Home. I love your blog already and subbed by e-mail and Google Connect. I'm looking forward to seeing more of you creative eye!

  42. Maria your home is just gorgeous gorgeous !!! I am so excited to have found you !
    I am off to read some more of your blog :)


  43. Maria,
    Love your blog! Love that your from Northern Michigan. From Kentucky but our family cottage is in the UP, my favorite place to be!

  44. How lovely and eclectic everything looks! I just found you via White Wednesday. (I LOVE White Wednesday!)
    Now, I am a new follower. We're on the same page!

  45. Hi Maria! I just found you in blog land and love your style. Because of you I had to do some tweeking around the house, you gave me so much inspiration. And I need(want) that Montana trophy!!!
    Why did I get rid of my vintage grain scoops?!
    It's so nice to meet you~xoxo~SueBee

  46. With the amount of treasures you have you have been collecting a long time so I don't see how you could copy someone else. I believe we are all here for inspiration to each other. I guess some people are just jealous!!

  47. I love discovering new blogs. Your's is a real treat for me today. Lovely photos. I love all your vintage things. Thanks so much for sharing.

  48. OMG - I just love your blog-love your home-love your pictures- so much Inspiration for my home.. Love it...Happy New Follower
    Karryann-cant wait to see your next post..

  49. Everything is so pretty! I really love all your grainsacks. Can I ask where you found them? On etsy maybe? :)

  50. Good morning...what a wonderful home and talent you have...I'm a new follower and look forward visiting your blog often!!...come on over for a visit too...in the middle of a kitchen reno...I know crazy to do this now...lol...Happy decorating, Mariaelena

  51. Your home is lovely! I love your simple, yet beautiful way of decorating! Just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. Found your blog in the January issue of Romantic Homes! Congratulations!

  52. gorgeous home you have! love all the red stripe feed sacks in your decor!
    i'm a new follower :)

  53. I just became your 100th follower and I am SO looking forward to going through your archives!

  54. Beautiful ♥ So happy to have stumbled upon your lovely blog ~ looking forward to returning again.

  55. You had me at the photo of the Shiny Brite ornaments in the sleigh - BEAUTIFUL blog...new follower...Happy Tuesday - Tanya

  56. Oh my your home is stunning..And the vintage ornaments that are everywhere..I am loving everything I see..
    Merry Christmas..

  57. I came by yesterday, but wasn't able to leave you a comment...
    your items in your home are so amazing! that photograph of the bedroom is magazine worthy...love love the style you have going on here!!
    Merry Christmas-
    Anne Marie

  58. Oh, my! Your home and decorations are so beautiful! Looks just like a magazine spread! :)
    You're very talented in making pretty!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  59. I'm blown away by your blog, your home ... your linens! I'm a new fan and a new follower

    Thanks for letting me drool ~
    Mary @ SeaQuilts

  60. Simple and elegant. Just the way I like it!

  61. LOVE! your blog and the entire look .... you have a new follower and I am soooo going to fill my wooden bowl today!

    Christmas Blessings! (if you wouldn't mind I'd love a visit to our "house" too... http://www.timsarmywifey.blogspot.com)

  62. Your house is amazing....everything in it! I adore all your vintage Holiday Wonder, truly PERFECT!!!
    Thanks for sharing your Seasons Greetings with us & have a very Merry Christmas!!!

  63. I agree with everyone else.. your home is stunning! Everything has come together beautifully. Oh and I want your coffee table :)

  64. Thank you so much for joining in on the holiday tour! Your home is just beautiful! I have to come back after the tour and look around more!

  65. Your house is beautiful in so many ways! I adore your vintage ornaments. I'm your new follower :)

  66. Maria, your blog is so beautiful! I am so thrilled that you came over to say hello so that I could find it! I am now following along (I follow in google reader and not friend connect, but please know that I am here and a follower!)
    What beautiful Christmas images!! I absolutely love your home!! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Blessings to you and your family this Christmas,

  67. Your home is so beautiful. I am drooling over everything you have! Your newest follower! Would love love love for you to share this at our party going on now http://space46.blogspot.com/2011/12/co-hosting-pinteresting-link-party-week.html. Happy holiday!

  68. SO many beautiful ideas! Your home is lovely! Thank you so much for joining the party!

  69. Where did u find those large letters over your bed? Im in love with your home.... it is beautiful!

  70. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything about this post. The photos are incredible. It looks as if you've been shopping in our store!

  71. you must tell us where you got the beautiful garland! love it all!

  72. Seeing your beautiful decorations makes me want to start all over and copy you. I have a lot of the same collectables (antiques) as you do, but did not use them as nicely as you did. Love how you have used them.
    happy new Year.
    Audrey Z.
    Timeless Treasures


Thank you for stopping by! I love hearing from you and appreciate all of your comments. It's a treat to read each one!